Mostly Book Talk

Episode 4 - Dungeons and Dragons and Graphic Novels

Katy Donnelly and Alison Palmer

Mostly Book Talk - Episode 4

We talked to Lucas Maxwell, the librarian at Glenthorne High School about Dungeons and Dragons and how it really draws pupils into the library and also about graphic novels.  We then have an interview with Sarwat Chadda about his new middle grade fantasy series, The Spirit Stone Saga. 

It's a long one, but  these two interviews with Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts just belong together!

Books mentioned in the interview with Lucas Maxwell

Let's Roll: A Guide to Setting up Tabletop Role-Playing Games in your School or Public Library by Lucas Maxwell (also available here)

Links to Lucas’s social media and articles can be found here

The Girl From The Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag

Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn - graphic novel adapted by Scott Peterson, Meredith Laxton and Russ Badget

When Stars are Scattered by Victoria Williamson and Omar Mohamed

Bunny versus Monkey by Jamie Smart 

Unicorn Boy by Dave Roman

Amulet Books by Kazu Kibuishi 

New Kid by Jerry Craft

Awkward by  Svetlana,Chmakova - doesn’t seem to be in print?

Measuring Up by Lily LaMotte and Ann Xu

Go With The Flow by Karen Schneeman and Lily Williams 

Anna West Philly by Ivy N Weir and Myisha Hayne

Places to find out about Graphic Novels

Page 45 -

YALSA US website -

Dan Santat -

Interview with Sarwat Chadda talking about his new series

The Spirit Stone Saga - Tariq and the Drowning City - Book 1

Books we discussed:

The Angel of Grasmere by Tom Palmer

Friendship Never Ends by Alexandra Sheppard

Alyssa and the Spell Garden by Alexandra Sheppard

Safiyyah’s War by Hiba Noor Khan 

Dark Matter - A Ghost Story by Michelle Paver

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