Mostly Book Talk

Episode 16 - An interview with David Litchfield about his new book The Dinosaur Next Door

Katy Donnelly and Alison Palmer

An interview with David Litchfield about his new book The Dinosaur Next Door and about the upcoming 10th Anniversary Edition of The Bear and the Piano.

David's other books include:

The Bear, The Piano, The Dog and the Fiddle

The Bear, the Piano and Little Bear's Concert

Grandad's Secret Giant

Lights on Cotton Rock

Kid Christmas: of the Claus Brothers Toy Shop

His website is

And he can be found on

Intstagram @david_c_litchfield

We also talk about the following books:

The Bed Book by Sylvia Plath, illustrated by Cindy Wume

The Bridges by Tom Percival

Who Ate Steve? by Susannah Lloyd , Illustrated by Kate Hindley

The Cafe at the Edge of the Woods by Mikey Please

Flood by Alvaro F. Villa

Ning and the Night Spirits by Adriena Fong

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